Bringing the Spirit and Scholarship of YU to LA
The Jack and Gitta Nagel YU Community Kollel functions as a vibrant Beis Medrash and a community learning hub with two intense learning Sedorim daily and a wide variety of Shiurim and programming throughout the week. The Roshei Kollel, distinguished Musmachim of RIETS, present an impressive background in learning, teaching and leadership.
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Originally from West Hempstead, NY, Rabbi Yoni Pere attended Yeshiva Reishit Yerushalayim for two years and then Yeshiva University in Rav Ya’akov Neuburger’s shiur. After graduating, Rabbi Pere entered the Semicha Honors program and studied in Rav Hershel Schachter’s Kollel. He then studied in the Wexner Kollel Elyon for three years. Rabbi Pere directed a successful early morning Kollel in Washington Heights for YU alumni in the workforce and interned as a rebbe in TABC High School. Rabbi Pere offers many popular shiurim and learning opportunities for the LA community, including his popular Seudas Shlishis shiur and the Mishmar program. Rabbi Pere, his wife, Devorah, and their children – Ayelet, Shlomo, Moshe, Simcha and Yehuda – are thrilled to be a part of the community.

Rabbi Jonah Steinmetz was raised in Woodmere, NY. He spent ten years learning under Rav Mayer Twersky at Yeshiva University. After graduating as the YP Valedictorian, Rabbi Steinmetz continued his studies in the RIETS Semicha Honors Program and Rav Hershel Schachter’s Kollel. He then spent three years studying in the Wexner Kollel Elyon at YU. Before moving to LA, Rabbi Steinmetz had been a lecturer and rabbinic associate at various shuls in the Five Towns. He is also the founder and director of Asicha Seminars, a learning program for post-seminary women. Rabbi Steinmetz and his wife Shoshana, a pharmacist, and their four children, Shmuel, Shulamis, Malkiel, and Yosef Dov, have happily been a part of the LA community for two years. Shoshana is excited to begin teaching Limudei Kodesh at YULA High School for Girls this year.

Rabbi Jonah Steinmetz was raised in Woodmere, NY. He spent ten years learning under Rav Mayer Twerski at Yeshiva University. After graduating as the YP Valedictorian, Rabbi Steinmetz continued his studies in the RIETS Semicha Honors Program and Rav Hershel Schachter’s Kollel. He then spent three years studying in the Wexner Kollel Elyon at YU. Before moving to LA, Rabbi Steinmetz had been a lecturer and rabbinic associate at various shuls in the Five Towns. He is also the founder and director of Asicha Seminars, a learning program for post-seminary women. Rabbi Steinmetz and his wife Shoshana, a pharmacist, and their four children, Shmuel, Shulamis, Malkiel, and Yosef Dov, have happily been a part of the LA community for two years. Shoshana is excited to begin teaching Limudei Kodesh at YULA High School for Girls this year.
Originally from West Hempstead, NY, Rabbi Yoni Pere attended Yeshiva Reishit Yerushalayim for two years and then Yeshiva University in Rav Ya’akov Neuburger’s shiur. After graduating, Rabbi Pere entered the Semicha Honors program and studied in Rav Hershel Schachter’s Kollel. He then studied in the Wexner Kollel Elyon for three years. Rabbi Pere directed a successful early morning Kollel in Washington Heights for YU alumni in the workforce and interned as a rebbe in TABC High School. Rabbi Pere offers many popular shiurim and learning opportunities for the LA community, including his popular Seudas Shlishis shiur and the Mishmar program. Rabbi Pere, his wife, Devorah, and their children – Ayelet, Shlomo, Moshe, Simcha and Yehuda – are thrilled to be a part of the community.
Our Avreichim are hand picked Talmidei Chachamim from the YU Beis Medrash. Relatable, approachable, and dynamic, they bring the spirit and scholarship of YU to LA while building meaningful relationships and Torah connections.

Eli Morell grew up in Monsey, NY. After two years learning at Shaalvim, he returned to Yeshiva University, studying under Rav Herschel Schachter and Rav Mayer Twersky and earning a degree in psychology. Eli spent two years in Rav Schachter’s Kollel pursuing Semicha. He hopes to remain in chinuch together with his wife Penina, a Limudei Kodesh teacher at YULA Girls. They have two children, Shmuel and Asher.

Jack Levkowitz grew up in Los Angeles and attended YULA high school. After learning in Yeshivat Hakotel for two years, Jack studied Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating, he joined the RIETS Semicha program, studying in Rav Schachter’s Kollel and attending the Shiurim of Rav Shulman and Rav Wiederblank. Jack is excited to move back to Los Angeles with his wife, Chaya, and their daughter, Naomi.

Willy Kluger grew up in Highland Park, NJ. After learning in Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh for two years, he learned in Rav Elchanan Adler’s shiur at Yeshiva University for three years and graduated with a degree in mathematical economics. Willy then joined the RIETS Semicha Program, learning under Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz and Rav Herschel Schachter. Willy’s wife Chanie is a teacher and together they have two children, Chaim and Michoel. Although Willy is now a full-time Rebbe in YULA High School, he still maintains a close connection with the Kollel.

Daniel Goldstein grew up in Woodmere, NY. After learning in Shaalvim for two years, Daniel learned at Yeshiva University in Rav Mayer Twersky’s shiur for four years while earning a degree in Biology. Daniel’s wife, Talya, is a registered nurse. They are excited to move to Los Angeles along with their daughter, Rivka.

Menachum Polack grew up in Brookline, MA and attended Maimonides School. After high school, Menachum spent two years learning in Yeshiva Torat Shraga, followed by 4 years in YU’s undergraduate program, learning in Rav Elchanan Adler’s shiur and graduating with a degree in accounting. Menachum then completed the RIETS Semicha program while learning in Rav Hershel Schachter’s Kollel. Menachem began as an Avreich in the YU Kollel, and grew into his expanded role while spending time getting to know and connect with the wonderful expanded Kollel community. Menachum is married to Gila, who is a teacher.

Eli Morell grew up in Monsey, NY. After two years learning at Shaalvim, he returned to Yeshiva University, studying under Rav Herschel Schachter and Rav Mayer Twersky and earning a degree in psychology. Eli spent two years in Rav Schachter’s Kollel pursuing Semicha. He hopes to remain in chinuch together with his wife Penina, a Limudei Kodesh teacher at YULA Girls. They have two children, Shmuel and Asher.

Eli Morell grew up in Monsey, NY. After two years learning at Shaalvim, he returned to Yeshiva University, studying under Rav Herschel Schachter and Rav Mayer Twersky and earning a degree in psychology. Eli spent two years in Rav Schachter’s Kollel pursuing Semicha. He hopes to remain in chinuch together with his wife Penina, a Limudei Kodesh teacher at YULA Girls. They have two children, Shmuel and Asher.
Jack Levkowitz grew up in Los Angeles and attended YULA high school. After learning in Yeshivat Hakotel for two years, Jack studied Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating, he joined the RIETS Semicha program, studying in Rav Schachter’s Kollel and attending the Shiurim of Rav Shulman and Rav Wiederblank. Jack is excited to move back to Los Angeles with his wife, Chaya, and their daughter, Naomi.

Eli Morell grew up in Monsey, NY. After two years learning at Shaalvim, he returned to Yeshiva University, studying under Rav Herschel Schachter and Rav Mayer Twersky and earning a degree in psychology. Eli spent two years in Rav Schachter’s Kollel pursuing Semicha. He hopes to remain in chinuch together with his wife Penina, a Limudei Kodesh teacher at YULA Girls. They have two children, Shmuel and Asher.

Zack Steiner is originally from Monsey, New York. After learning in Yeshivat Shaalvim for two years, Zack attended Yeshiva University and learned in Rav Rosensweig’s shiur. He graduated with a degree in Psychology and hopes to have a career in chinuch. Zack is married to Atara, from Bergenfield, NJ, who serves as the Director of Development at NCSY West Coast

Menachum Polack grew up in Brookline, MA and attended Maimonides School. After high school, Menachum spent two years learning in Yeshiva Torat Shraga, followed by 4 years in YU’s undergraduate program, learning in Rav Elchanan Adler’s shiur and graduating with a degree in accounting. Menachum then completed the RIETS Semicha program while learning in Rav Hershel Schachter’s Kollel. Menachem began as an Avreich in the YU Kollel, and grew into his expanded role while spending time getting to know and connect with the wonderful expanded Kollel community. Menachum is married to Gila, who is a teacher.

Daniel Goldstein grew up in Woodmere, NY. After learning in Shaalvim for two years, Daniel learned at Yeshiva University in Rav Mayer Twersky’s shiur for four years while earning a degree in Biology. Daniel’s wife, Talya, is a registered nurse. They are excited to move to Los Angeles along with their daughter, Rivka.

Willy Kluger grew up in Highland Park, NJ. After learning in Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh for two years, he learned in Rav Elchanan Adler’s shiur at Yeshiva University for three years and graduated with a degree in mathematical economics. Willy then joined the RIETS Semicha Program, learning under Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz and Rav Herschel Schachter. Willy’s wife Chanie is a teacher and together they have two children, Chaim and Michoel. Although Willy is now a full-time Rebbe in YULA High School, he still maintains a close connection with the Kollel.

Menachem Gans is originally from Paramus, NJ. He studied at KBY for two years and then attended Yeshiva University, where he learned under Rav Twersky, Rav Netanel Wiederblank, and Rav Yaakov Werblowsky. Menachem graduated with a degree in biology and a minor in psychology. Menachem hopes to pursue a career in chinuch, and is currently working towards his Master’s at the Azrieli Graduate School. Menachem previously worked as a Shoel U’Meshiv for YU’s night seder program and served as the rabbinic intern at Congregation Ahavas Achim of Highland Park, NJ. He is married to Rochel, a teacher at YULA Girls.
Daily Schedule
Stop in during Seder and experience the vibrancy of our Beis Medrash.

Popular Shiurim
Explore a wide range of Shiurim designed to challenge you at your level and leave you feeling accomplished with your growth in Torah.
Yoni & Sara Barz
Seth & Ruth Berkowitz
Brian & Tabitha Dror
David & Michal Gershov
Alan & Barbara Gindi
Howard & Elayne
David & Marnie Nagel
Daniel & Annie Nagel
Jack z”l & Gitta Nagel
Ron & Cheryl Nagel
Evan & Dalia Silver
Morris & Sharon Silver
Avi & Shuli Steinlauf