The Kollel proudly presents a growing collection of Chidushei Torah. These Seforim are the collective work of the Kollel, the Roshei Kollel and guest Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva. The effort and scholarship involved in producing these Chidushei Torah and refining them for publication has elevated the Kollel's learning to new heights.
Chiddushei Torah on Maseches Sanhedrin written by the Roshei Kollel and Avreichim. Featuring guest contributions on Sanhedrin and other topics from YU Roshei Yeshiva and local talmidei chachamim. Also includes two Teshuva Drashos of Rav Soloveitchik, written by the Rosh Kollel based on Rav Schachter's notes. Heavily annotated and written in rabbinic Hebrew for the olam hayeshivos.
The Rosh Kollel’s shiurim on Sefas Emes on the Parsha, based on his weekly parsha shiur in LA. The divrei torah clarify difficult to read passages in Sefas Emes, connect different parts of the sefer, bring out important Hashkafos, and expand to many more sources.
Chiddushim and biurim in the thought of the Ramban al Hatorah and Machsheves HaRamban written by the Rosh Kollel and members of the kollel. Also featuring guest contributions from experts in Ramban, including Rav Elchanan Adler, Rav Ahron Lopiansky, Rav Mayer Twersky, Rav Yaakov Zilberlicht, and more. Chiddushim on Maseches Yevamos written by the Roshei Kollel, Avreichim, YU Roshei Yeshiva, and local talmidei chachamim. Also includes a new Teshuva Drasha of Rav Soloveitchik, written by the Rosh Kollel based on Rav Schachter's notes. Heavily annotated and written in rabbinic Hebrew for the olam hayeshivos.
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